What is Cloudflare CAPTCHA?

Cloudflare CAPTCHA is a service provided by Cloudflare to determine whether a website user is a human or a bot. It serves as a protective measure against automated attacks, including spam, DDoS attacks, and other types of bot-related threats
CapMonster Cloud uses the APIs of popular manual captcha recognition services. To get started, just type the key in your software.
High Speed
Recognize more than 1000 captchas per minute. The average captcha recognition time is less than 1 second, regardless of the time of day and server load.
You pay for actually recognized captchas only. The price does not depend on the server load.
AI Efficiency
It is up to 2-3 times cheaper than using manual services. We don't pay people for recognition because the whole process is fully automated. Thanks to this, we ensure the high quality and a very affordable price.

CapMonster Cloud Advantages

Pricing of Cloudflare CAPTCHA solution

Cloudflare Turnstile
Cloudflare Bot Challenge
10 s
5 s
1k tokens
1k tokens
Solution speed
Price per 1,000

Types of Cloudflare CAPTCHA

Interactive CAPTCHA

This type of CAPTCHA presents users with interactive challenges, such as selecting images that match a specific criterion or solving puzzles. These tasks are designed to be easy for humans but difficult for bots to complete, ensuring that the user is not an automated script.

JavaScript Challenge

This CAPTCHA type involves running a small piece of JavaScript code in the user's browser to verify their legitimacy. The challenge is transparent to the user, as it executes automatically in the background. Bots, which often do not execute JavaScript properly, are unable to pass this verification step.

Turnstile CAPTCHA

Turnstile is a privacy-preserving alternative to traditional CAPTCHA systems. It doesn't rely on user interaction but instead uses various signals and machine learning algorithms to assess the likelihood of a visitor being human. Turnstile is designed to minimize user friction while maintaining robust protection against bots.

Proof of Work CAPTCHA

Users are required to perform a computationally intensive task, such as solving a mathematical problem. This method leverages the idea that legitimate users will have the computational resources to solve these tasks quickly, while bots will be significantly slowed down.

Cloudflare Captcha Example

How to solve Cloudflare Captcha

Solution by clicks or tokens
Extension for Chrome
Solution by clicks or tokens
CapMonster Cloud API
Solution by clicks or tokens
Extension for Firefox

Captcha solving steps

1st step
Sign Up on the CapMonster Cloud website to start solving captchas
2nd step
Copy your API key into the software for recognizing captcha (for example, into the CapMonster Cloud extension)
3rd step
Send captchas for automatic recognition
4th step
Get fast bypassed captcha

Cloudflare Captcha bypass API service

// https://github.com/ZennoLab/capmonstercloud-client-js

import { CapMonsterCloudClientFactory, ClientOptions, TurnstileRequest } from '@zennolab_com/capmonstercloud-client';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
  const cmcClient = CapMonsterCloudClientFactory.Create(new ClientOptions({ clientKey: '<your capmonster.cloud API key>' }));
  console.log(await cmcClient.getBalance());

  const turnstileRequest = new TurnstileRequest({
    websiteURL: 'https://tsinvisble.zlsupport.com',
    websiteKey: '0x4AAAAAAABUY0VLtOUMAHxE',
    cloudflareTaskType: 'cf_clearance',
    proxyType: 'http',
    proxyAddress: '',
    proxyPort: 8080,
    proxyLogin: 'proxyLoginHere',
    proxyPassword: 'proxyPasswordHere',
    pageData: 'pageDataHere',
    data: 'dataHere',
    htmlPageBase64: 'htmlPageBase64Here',
    userAgent: 'userAgentHere',

  console.log(await cmcClient.Solve(turnstileRequest));
# https://github.com/ZennoLab/capmonstercloud-client-python

# Cloudflare Turnstile:

import asyncio
from capmonstercloudclient import CapMonsterClient, ClientOptions
from capmonstercloudclient.requests import TurnstileRequest

client_options = ClientOptions(api_key="your_api_key")  # Replace with your CapMonsterCloud API key
cap_monster_client = CapMonsterClient(options=client_options)

turnstile_request = TurnstileRequest(
    websiteURL="http://tsmanaged.zlsupport.com",  # Replace with the URL of the page with the captcha
    websiteKey="0x4AAAAAAABUYP0XeMJF0xoy"  # Replace with the website key for the captcha

async def solve_captcha():
    return await cap_monster_client.solve_captcha(turnstile_request)

responses = asyncio.run(solve_captcha())

# Cloudflare Challenge (token)

import asyncio
from capmonstercloudclient import CapMonsterClient, ClientOptions
from capmonstercloudclient.requests import TurnstileProxylessRequest

client_options = ClientOptions(api_key="your_api_key")  # Replace with your CapMonsterCloud API key
cap_monster_client = CapMonsterClient(options=client_options)

turnstile_request = TurnstileProxylessRequest(
    websiteURL="https://example.com",  # Replace with the URL of the page with the captcha
    websiteKey="0x4AAAAAAABUYP0XeMJF0xoy",  # Replace with the website key for the captcha
    userAgent="userAgentHere"  # Use the current userAgent

async def solve_captcha():
    return await cap_monster_client.solve_captcha(turnstile_request)

responses = asyncio.run(solve_captcha())

# Cloudflare Challenge (cookie cf_clearance)

import asyncio
from capmonstercloudclient import CapMonsterClient, ClientOptions
from capmonstercloudclient.requests import TurnstileRequest

client_options = ClientOptions(api_key="your_api_key")  # Replace with your CapMonsterCloud API key
cap_monster_client = CapMonsterClient(options=client_options)

turnstile_request = TurnstileRequest(
    websiteURL="https://example.com",  # Replace with the URL of the page with the captcha
    websiteKey="0x4AAAAAAABUYP0XeMJF0xoy",  # Replace with the website key for the captcha
    userAgent="userAgentHere",  # Use the current userAgent
    proxyType="http",  # Type of proxy (http, https, socks4, socks5)

async def solve_captcha():
    return await cap_monster_client.solve_captcha(turnstile_request)

responses = asyncio.run(solve_captcha())
// https://github.com/ZennoLab/capmonstercloud-client-dotnet

// Cloudflare Turnstile:

using Zennolab.CapMonsterCloud.Requests;
using Zennolab.CapMonsterCloud;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var clientOptions = new ClientOptions
            ClientKey = "your_api_key" // Replace with your CapMonster Cloud API key

        var cmCloudClient = CapMonsterCloudClientFactory.Create(clientOptions);

        var turnstileRequest = new TurnstileProxylessRequest
            WebsiteUrl = "http://tsmanaged.zlsupport.com",  // Replace with the URL of the page with the captcha
            WebsiteKey = "0x4AAAAAAABUYP0XeMJF0xoy"  // Replace with the website key for the captcha

        var turnstileResult = await cmCloudClient.SolveAsync(turnstileRequest);

        Console.WriteLine("Captcha Solution: " + turnstileResult.Solution.Value);

// Cloudflare Challenge (token):

using Zennolab.CapMonsterCloud.Requests;
using Zennolab.CapMonsterCloud;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var clientOptions = new ClientOptions
            ClientKey = "your_api_key" // Replace with your CapMonster Cloud API key

        var cmCloudClient = CapMonsterCloudClientFactory.Create(clientOptions);

        var turnstileRequest = new TurnstileProxylessRequest
            WebsiteUrl = "https://example.com",  // Replace with the URL of the page with the captcha
            WebsiteKey = "0x4AAAAAAABUYP0XeMJF0xoy",  // Replace with the website key for the captcha
            Data = "data_here",
            PageAction = "managed",
            CloudflareTaskType = "token",
            PageData = "pagedata_here",
            UserAgent = "userAgentHere" // Use the current UserAgent

        var turnstileResult = await cmCloudClient.SolveAsync(turnstileRequest);

        Console.WriteLine("Captcha Solution: " + turnstileResult.Solution.Value);

// Cloudflare Challenge (cookie cf_clearance):

using Zennolab.CapMonsterCloud.Requests;
using Zennolab.CapMonsterCloud;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var clientOptions = new ClientOptions
            ClientKey = "your_api_key" // Replace with your CapMonster Cloud API key

        var cmCloudClient = CapMonsterCloudClientFactory.Create(clientOptions);

        var turnstileRequest = new TurnstileRequest
            WebsiteUrl = "https://example.com", // URL with Turnstile challenge
            WebsiteKey = "0x4AAAAAAADnPIDROrmt1Wwj", // Replace with the correct website key
            CloudflareTaskType = "cf_clearance",
            ProxyType = ProxyType.Http, // Replace with the required type
            ProxyAddress = "",
            ProxyPort = 8000,
            ProxyLogin = "proxyLoginHere",
            ProxyPassword = "proxyPasswordHere",
            PageData = "pageDataHere",
            Data = "pageDataHere",
            HtmlPageBase64 = "htmlPageBase64Here",
            UserAgent = "userAgentHere" // Use an up-to-date userAgent

        var turnstileResult = await cmCloudClient.SolveAsync(turnstileRequest);

        Console.WriteLine("Captcha Solved. cf_clearance cookie: " + turnstileResult.Solution.Clearance);

Cloudflare CAPTCHA recognition statistics

Average successful CAPTCHA recognition rate
8 sec
Average monthly savings for recognizing 5,000 captchas per day
Average recognition

Trusted by users worldwide

Learn more about how to solve Cloudflare CAPTCHA in Docs